Monday, December 3, 2012

A little bid about me.

Hello everybody, my name is Jose Ceballos. I’m a college student at AWC. I’m majoring administration of justice, but I’m thinking on change it to business administration. I really like everything related with law enforcement, but I would like to have my own business. Honestly I not exactly a sports man, actually I like more non regular sports, such as, snowboarding, skateboarding, surfing and stuff like that . A typical day for me is just, go to college, job, do homework and spend the rest of the time behind a computer. Technology but specifically social network plays an important role in my life. I live kind of far from my friends and family, and the only way to communicate with them is with a social network page. Other technology device which play an important part in my life is my cell phone. My phone has saved my life several times because I’m relative new in the city and the GPS in the phone has helped me a lot finding places or addresses. My job isn’t acquitted from using technology devices. I work at an electronics store, and we use some software and others devices to upgrade or activate phones. Even at college technology is present. A simple sample of Tech is the interactive boards in classroom, it was new for me because we don’t have that kind of devices where I come from. Definitely it improves the learning environment, and makes the class more enjoyable. 

1 comment:

  1. Thats awesome that you use your phone to stay in touch with your friends who live far. That switch from justice to buisness should be good for you if especially if you want to open up your own buisness.
