Tuesday, December 4, 2012

During my interview to this AWC staff member.I found out some interesting opinions about the use of technology in campus. My first question was, what kind of problems do you face every day with students and technology? The answer was, “Personally I really enjoy that students are involve in technology because it is a good educational tool. There are some problems that I had faced it when I deal with students and social networking pages. We work at the student success center, and we are here to help students to success in their classes, but when somebody is here and instead do homework  starts chatting on Facebook that make me upset, because somebody else really needs use a computer and not these kind of persons. That’s why social network sites are not allow here.”
            My second question was, “what kinds of advantages has technology in college life?
The answer was. “There are a bunch of advantages of tech in a student life, such as, online classes. Some students come over here to do an online workshop which is fantastic because might the they live far from campus, and they only need come here once a week in order to done their class. I also notice that there are some students that use webcams and headsets microphones to perform some classes. I believe that kind of classes are the future of online courses because you are able to speak, heard and watch what other classmates are doing, or saying.”
            My last question was, when technology is a disadvantage for students? The answer was, “I believe that if tech is not used correctly it will harm the student in the end. Technology issues these days are more about distraction. I notice that some students are multi-tasking while their doing homework which results in non-focus on a specific point. I also believe that tech can help students to cheat more easily than time ago. Now they can copy entire papers or essays from someone else in few seconds, and take the credit for them, that’s just sad."

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