Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A regular tech day

            A typical day in my life is much related with technology. Since wake up by the alarm of my phone, I start using tech the whole day. On my way to college I plug my phone into my stereo, and I start sending text massages. Before I get into my first class, I check Facebook status, and keep checking it the whole class. I found out that I check my Facebook status about 30 per day. Even when I’m working, I keep doing it. After school I just get home, and turn on my computer. The very first thing that I do is log in at Facebook, blackboard, and open a YouTube page. It is funny because even when I use a computer, I use my phone at the same time.
            When I get at job technology is present, and one of the good things that I love from my job is that phones are allow. That’s wonderful because when I get a free time I can use my phone to send some texts. During the work period I use a lot strange technological devices in order to improve my job and give a better customer service.

            Honestly technology is attached to me the entire day. I don’t what I can do without tech, but I found out some little thing that are not liking me no more. I spend too much time at my phone and that’s not sane. I don’t pay fully attention in something because I’m waiting for the next text massage alert in my phone. That is frustrating me. Definitely technology is harming my student life. I think this is because I don’t a control over it, and I abuse of tech kind of often. But don’t blame, with this new technology (especially smartphones) you can do whatever you want, whenever you want. There some apps which goes from excellent graphic video games, to really smart personal assistants. I believe that technology is making us some things easier, but definitely we are losing the control of it. We have to spend reasonable times when we use tech, because is really easy to become addicted to it. 

Smartphones are the Swiss Army knifes of this century

Funny but it is true.

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