Monday, December 3, 2012

interviewing a fellow student

After conduct several interviews I found out some really interesting information. My fellow’s students have strong opinions about technology. This was one of the most interesting/

I started with the last post question. Do you think that technology is causing us to lose more than we gain? He answered this “I believe that technology only has advantages, that it’s priority, make us life easier. I also believe that tech only can hurt us as much as we want. This means that we are the ones who has the control over tech, and as long as we don’t lose that control everything is going to be right.”

My second question was, in which ways do you use technology? The answer was “I use technology in many aspects of my life. I use tech to communicate with friends, and family who is far away, or out of the country. I also use technology in my job, I work at a customer service company, and we spend almost the whole day helping customers to fix their problems by phone. Tech is also a good educational tool for me because this semester I’m taking 2 online courses, which is very helpful for a full-time student.”

Do you think that technology is harmful or beneficial for college students? When I asked this question, he thought more in give an answer than the other times, and finally responded “Like I said in the other question, tech only harms if you let its hurt you, or if you do a negligent use of it. In college life if you get focus, and don’t get distrait on your phone or Facebook page you will be alright. Honestly in college technology only has advantages, since take online courses, until pick you next semester classes. The use of data bases is really helpful while you do an investigative homework.”

My last question was this, do you have any experience where technology harm you? He answered “Honestly I do, it was a time when I was getting late to work, and I left home and drove fast to the city. While I was driving, I also was texting with my girlfriend. I couldn’t notice the car in front of me stopped, and I hit it. That mistake cost me around 1500 dollars, but fortunately nobody was hurt.  I really learned the lesson.”

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