Monday, December 3, 2012

Is Tech causing me to lose as much as I gain ?

                              Is technology causing me to lose as much as I gain?

            These days technology can be a two edge sword. The good harming of tech has many benefits, but if it is not used appropriately would be dangerous. One advantage for students is that they can make really good research investigation even without leaving home. The disadvantage of this is that many students just copy and paste the information. Classrooms presents one the results of abuse of technology, IF we pay attention around the classroom we notice that more than the 45% of the students are using an electronic device,  they don’t pay attention in class for being updating their Facebook status. Don’t get me wrong, technology has been an important tool in the human development. Since WW2 humans have been improving technology in leaps and bounds. The good thing about technology is that, is applicable in almost everything from a military missile to an electronic cigarette.

            Honestly I’m having issues with technology. I starting to don’t pay attention in some things, and is more hard to get focus in one task when my phone is around me. I’m not trying to take off my responsibilities, but it is hard, even writing this I’m jumping to web page to web page. I also can say that technology is harming our kids, my 8 year-old and 5 year-old nephews are serious addicted to call of duty games.  They usually spend more than 5 hours per day playing that game, that’s a lot considering their ages.

            In respond to the question from the tittle, I would answer yes. In my case I only use technology for communicate and do homework, but it affecting seriously my capacity to get focus. Definitely I’m losing more than I gain.

Reports shows that more than 70 text messages are send it in one day per person.

An image says a more than thousands words. The absolutely true.

kids around 8-17 years-old spend more than 7 hours per day playing video games.

This is video shows how social networking pages can affect a family relationship.

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